Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe (2024)

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posted by carleigh onMarch 23, 2023 — last updated March 20, 2024 0 comments »

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5 from 8 ratings

Welcome back to Scrappy Cooking! Did you know you can use leftover oat pulp to make a delicious oat pulp truffle recipe?

Anyone who makes homemade oat milk knows the struggle of trying to find a way to use the resulting oat pulp. And even once you find a zero-waste recipe that utilizes oat pulp, like these delicious vegan oat cookies, it’s nice to have some diversity.

The beauty of the Scrappy Cooking series is that for many food scraps, there is more than one way to turn them into an amazing dish. Which is how I came up with this oat pulp truffle recipe!

Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe (1)

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • The main point of Scrappy Cooking is to lower your personal (and household) food waste, which is better for your planet and better for your wallet!
  • In addition to oat pulp (which is basically a byproduct of oat milk), this recipe only requires 4 more ingredients! So simple, so wholesome.
  • The texture of these sweet, indulgent oat pulp truffles is out of this world! I dare you to try this recipe.
  • These little bites of heaven honestly could not be any easier to make! This is a perfect recipe to get your kids involved in making tasty treats.
  • This oat pulp truffle recipe is easy to customize to accommodate an allergy or simple preference.
Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe (2)

How to Make This Recipe

Next time you make oat milk, reserve about a cup to a cup and a half of oat pulp. Make sure it isn’t too wet and runny, or else the truffles may not set properly.

In a bowl, combine the pulp with peanut butter, maple syrup, and salt. Allow it to firm up in the fridge for about an hour. This way, it will be easier to mold into truffles.

Wet your hands with some water, then roll a small amount of your “batter” into a ball. Spread the cocoa powder on a plate and roll each truffle until they are evenly coated in cocoa.

You can enjoy them immediately or store in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe (3)

Hack It!

  • Cocoa powder may taste bitter to some people. Instead, you can dip your truffles in melted chocolate, roll them in shredded coconut, freeze dried raspberries, or crushed walnuts.
  • If you’re allergic to nuts, this oat pulp truffle recipe works very similarly with sunflower seed of pumpkin seed butter.
  • Feel free to get a little bit creative with your flavors. For instance, you could add some vanilla, cinnamon, orange zest powder, freeze dried raspberries, cocoa nibs, or even a little bit of chilli powder into the mixture.
  • This “batter” also makes an excellent filling for a cookie sandwich!
Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe (4)

Other Recipes You’ll Love

  • Tiramisu Overnight Oats
  • Vegan Freezable Oat Pancakes
  • Snickers Flavoured Baked Oats
  • Butterfinger Bars
  • Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal

Ever since I became a vegan food blogger, my journey has been about making plant-based living easy and accessible. To do that, I launched a meal planner app to help plant-based folk plan ahead (orplantahead, haha). And now thePlantYou Plannerdatabase has over 600 easy, delicious vegan recipes for every occasion! You can use one of the pre-designed meal plans, or create a custom one for you and your family. The planner allows you to toggle the number of servings for each recipe so that no food is wasted, and everyone is fed.

And if you like having all of your recipes in one place, I suggest you get your hands on thePlantYou Cookbook. It has over 140 recipes, all rather affordable and beginner-friendly. In addition, each recipe is accompanied by an infographic to display every ingredient. So far, the book has received an incredible amount of support, which I am eternally grateful for! Plant-based living has never been easier!

Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe (5)

The Recipe:Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe

A delicious Scrappy Cooking recipe with only 5 ingredients that anyone can make!

5 from 8 ratings

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Servings: 10 truffles

Prep Time: 5 mins

Resting time: 1 hr


  • cup oat pulp, start with 1 cup, you can add more if needed
  • ½ cup peanut butter, drippy
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder, for coating



  • Combine the oat pulp, peanut butter, maple syrup and salt until a smooth batter is formed. Place in the fridge for at least 1 hour until the mixture is more firm, and able to be rolled into balls.

  • Using clean wet hands, roll the mixture into truffles. Add the cocoa powder to a plate, and roll the peanut butter truffles to coat. Alternatively, roll in shredded coconut or crushed walnuts, depending on preference.

  • Enjoy immediately, or store in an air tight container for up to 3 days.

Calories: 146.2kcal, Carbohydrates: 17.2g, Protein: 5.1g, Fat: 7.6g, Saturated Fat: 1.6g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1.9g, Monounsaturated Fat: 3.6g, Sodium: 173.1mg, Potassium: 155.7mg, Fiber: 2.4g, Sugar: 6.3g, Calcium: 23.3mg, Iron: 0.9mg

Course: Dessert, Snack

Author: carleigh

All Recipes Dessert Gluten Free Recipes Scrappy Cooking

originally published on Mar 23, 2023 (last updated Mar 20, 2024)

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Oat Pulp Truffle Recipe (2024)


How do you use leftover oat pulp? ›

oat pulp uses
  1. 12 ways to use oat pulp leftover from making homemade oat milk. ...
  2. Almond or Oat Pulp Cookies. ...
  3. Tacos made with oat milk pulp - Vegan Milker. ...
  4. Oat Pulp Breakfast Bites. ...
  5. Oat Groat Flour – made from oat groat pulp. ...
  6. Sunflower Sesame Oat-Pulp Bread. ...
  7. Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Pulp Cookies {Vegan}

What happens to oat milk pulp? ›

The best way to use oat pulp is to turn it into food that humans can eat and therefore produce no waste at all. Whichever oat milk company that does this first will be the most sustainable in terms of food waste. It isn't hard; I have made my leftover oat pulp into bread, muffins and pancakes.

Is oat pulp nutritious? ›

Oat pulp has lots of nutrients including fibre, vitamins and minerals that can help make a recipe healthier. If you can't find a dish that floats your boat, you can always use the pulp for skincare purposes.

How do you dehydrate oat pulp? ›

Preheat the oven on its lowest setting. Spread your oat pulp evenly on a lined baking tray. Put the baking tray into the oven and let the pulp dehydrate for 4-6 hours, until there is no moisture left in the pulp and it is dry and crumbly.

Can you eat oat pulp? ›

Texture-wise, it's not the most attractive out there, so lots of people are tempted to throw it away. However, oat pulp is not only incredibly nutritious, but a really helpful ingredient to add some creaminess to a vast array of vegan recipes.

How long can you keep oat pulp? ›

I usually make these straight after I've made oat milk. But if you can't find the time, then the pulp keeps well in the refrigerator for a couple of days to be used later. Or you can freeze it for longer.

Why can't I digest oat milk? ›

Additionally, some individuals may have a sensitivity to the proteins or fibers present in oat milk, which can lead to bloating or gas. These reactions can be more common in individuals who already have a sensitive digestive system or those with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

What happens if you whip oat milk? ›

Oat milk whipped cream is a quick and easy replacement for regular whipped cream. Even though it's dairy-free, it still carries all the same great textures and flavors. With a few simple ingredients, you'll be able to whip up (pun intended) a fluffy mixture that's perfect for any occasion.

Can bacteria grow in oat milk? ›

(2021) , almond and oat milk showed lower microbial growth during initial storage but raised to 6.30 CFU/mL after 8 days of storage at 4°C. This study reported the lower than 5.41 log CFU/mL is acceptable limit for vegetable milks. ...

Is oat milk anti inflammatory? ›

Oat milk is rich in carbohydrates and B vitamins, a great energy source to get you through the day. It's a high source of fiber, promoting healthy digestion and happy gut bacteria, reducing inflammation and therefore the chances of getting inflammation-linked diseases such as arthritis or ulcerative colitis.

Is oat milk good for your gut? ›

Beta-glucan fiber in oat milk provides prebiotics too, which fuel your body's probiotics and help these friendly cultures of bacteria survive and thrive in the long run. Over time, consuming foods like oat milk that beta-glucan has also been connected to enhanced gut health and immunity.

Does oat milk raise blood sugar? ›

Because of the natural sugar maltose found in oat milk, even an unsweetened version will cause a spike in blood sugar. Maltose has a higher glycemic index, which leads to the unwanted spike and the dreadful crash post-consumption. You're better off skipping the oat milk for one of our best options, above.

Why do you soak oats in water? ›

By soaking your oats you neutralize the phytic acid. This soaking allows the beneficial enzymes to work and increases the number of vitamins and minerals present that your body will absorb. On the plus side, the process of rolling oats removes at least part of the bran, where a large portion of the phytic acid resides.

How do you dehydrate pulp without a dehydrator? ›

If you do not have a dehydrator, line a baking sheet with parchment and spread the juice pulp as evenly as you can. Set the oven to its lowest temperature, let the pulp dehydrate for 4 to 5 hours. Once it is fully dry, transfer it a high-speed blender. Blitz until you have a fine homemade greens powder.

How long does homemade oat milk last? ›

The oat milk you make at home will be good for 2 to 4 days in the fridge. Store-bought oat milk has stabilizers that give it a longer shelf life. Like dairy milk, oat milk should be stored in the coldest part of the fridge, not on the door. Be sure it's covered, and shake before using.

How to make oat flour from oat pulp? ›

Press the oat pulp out onto the telfex sheet that comes with the dehydrator. If you don't have those, use parchment paper instead. Don't worry about making it all even and pretty… it will soon be ground into a flour. Dry at 145 degrees for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for 4-6 hours or until dry.

What do you do with oat fiber? ›

Oat fiber shines in other ways.

It can be an oat-standing substitute for wheat flour if you're looking to keep your tasty baked creations gluten-free or low-carb. Try using it alone or in a homemade flour blend, working in tandem with coconut flour, almond flour, or flax meal.

What do you do with oat fiber powder? ›

With an extremely mild taste and an ultra-fine powdered texture that can easily blend into mixes, smoothies, or shakes, Modern Mountain Oat Fiber can be used in everything from muffins and cupcakes, to smoothies and shakes, to cereals and cookies.

What does Oatly do with leftover oats? ›

In 2021, some of our residues were turned into animal feed but more than half of our oat residues were turned into energy. If you're curious about how this was made possible, you can read more about the process at one of our factories in the US here.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.