Addy de Jongh on LinkedIn: Doneer aan Steun de PhD van Addy voor bescherming van kust otters!… (2024)

Addy de Jongh

CEO - Senior Wildlife Consultant at International Wildlife Services (IWS)Retired lecturer Aeres University of Appl. Sciences

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Support the important work on coastal otters! Have a look at: in Dutch: and in English: in advance to all of you and the Stichting Otterstation Nederland for making this fundraiser possible!

Donate to Steun de PhD van Addy voor bescherming van kust otters!, organized by Stichting Otterstation Nederland


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  • Julia Narkeviciute

    Country Manager France at Ltd, an award-winning Salesforce partner for charities

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    A captivating reading I recommend on why Save the Children are growing so fast. The article is more than 1 year old and in Dutch, but worth using Deepl to read the insights by Sarah Clifton, #Savethechildren Head of Fundraising and Partnerships: "Your CRM and data environment is not an enabler for your fundraising, it's the core of your fundraising". And on the basics of fundraising : "I consider 'the basics' to be: a good CRM (eco)system, reporting (standard and on-demand), data quality, clear and consistent coding of both costs and income, skillful management of communications and channels to ensure effective deployment, payment traffic in order, a clear overview of risks and control measures". #nonprofitfundraising

    Waarom groeit Save the Children zo hard? | | Leerzaam, spraakmakend en recht door zee


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  • Giving What We Can


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    Good news: Effectief Geven has launched in Belgium! 🇧🇪"We are constantly bombarded with bad news: war, poverty, climate change, .... The list of problems is long, and that of solutions even longer. There are a huge number of organizations and charities that are trying to put those solutions into practice, but did you know that some charities can help up to 100 times more than others? It may sound surprising, but it's true. And the good news is: you can contribute quickly and easily!Welcome to the concept of effective giving! Here, it's all about the impact of your donations, so that every euro makes the biggest difference possible. We do this by focusing on proven solutions, demonstrated by scientific research by independent research institutions.Als je meer wilt weten over hoe je effectief kunt geven en hoe je jouw impact kunt vergroten, sluit je dan aan bij onze community van changemakers.Leer mee over dit nieuwe perspectief op goede doelen op effectiefgeven.beTot binnenkort!"

    Effectief Geven | Home
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  • Henriët Zwaan-hazewindus


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    Friday 11 August we arrived at our friends place in Slovenia. The store is reasonably clean again, but the walls are still wet and will still have to be renewed because they are plaster walls. We now have an update of the damage. There is about € 40,000 damage in terms of the purchase price of clothing, etc. Lots of small material such as tyres, brake pads, cables, etc are flushed away with the water. There were about 80 bicycles in the store with a total value of about € 100,000. They also employ 5 more people that they can't pay right now. So you can imagine how much income they are missing right now. Disregarding the cost of restoring the electricity and everything in the store. The cash register system and printers for the store have also been lost. They had 3 of these. The income they miss out on from the bike tours they do in August is also an amount of approximately €5,000. The total amount of damage will be around €250,000. You understand that they need a lot. It is still unclear whether the Slovenian government will assist in this. The grounds outside the shop are also damaged and dirty. There is a rotten smell coming from the supermarket next door. Yesterday we drove around and there we saw a lot more suffering, broken roads, half-collapsed houses. Lots of debris along the roads fallen and trees dragged along So share our action so we can collect much more. If you know of companies that can also contribute, I would also like to hear about it. Donations are also allowed in material, or electronics such as the cash register system or something similar. Send me an email if you want and can contribute in a different way🙏#hp #lenovo #northfinder #biketours #helpen #donatie #donation #bouwen #ghostbikes #fietsen #hulpverlening #hulp #outdoor #mountain

    Help white rabbit!!!, organized by Cornelia Hendrika (Henriët) Hazewindus ( Zwaan)


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  • Jacques van de Meerakker

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    On September 2, we will walk together the 50KM for the ItsME foundation. The 3rd time that it takes place and that I participate, this year together with Yvette, Jet, Loes and Friso and 150 other participants. The anticipation is in full swing with lots of training!Together we walk to raise money for Encephalitis and Meningitis, brain infections that cause a lot of sadness and misery, often with lasting consequences. Also for our daughter Jet. We are more than seven years later and with Jet's resilience and perseverance she is where she is now. Yet Jet and we still regularly experience the impact of this disease, the lasting consequences of NAH (Non-Congenital Brain Injury). We are SUPER PROUD of JET and our ENTIRE FAMILY.We are looking forward to it again, the past two editions were parties with a smile and a tear. It would be great if you would like to sponsor us, you can do so via this link. ItsME foundation is committed to financing groundbreaking research into meningitis. Most people have never heard of it. Many people are affected each year, many of whom die or have permanent residual symptoms., #brain inflammation, #NMDA, #meningitis, #meningitis, #fundraising, #charity, #fellow sufferers, #ItsME, #ItsMEFoundation

    Meerakkertjes - Stichting ItsME


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  • Francois Vorster Attorneys


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    Sell your property to your child for R1!Can you do it?Can you sell your property to your child, or any other person for R1?(This is a snapshot of my weekly newsletter, Law in a Coffeeshop. Subscribe here: want to get around transfer costs, and the taxes due to SARS, by scheming. One of those examples is to sell your property to your child for a small amount, like R1.Well, I hope that you are smart enough to know, or at least have the gut-feeling that it just can't be as simple as that.When it comes to the sale of a property it must be as if you are dealing at arm's length with a 3rd party buyer at the market value of the property.Let's play the scenario out. You sell your property to your child for R1.- Let's assume for the sake of argument that it is valued at R2 million.- In the eyes of SARS the transaction taking place is R2 million. Thus, the Purchaser, your child will have to pay transfer duty on R2 million.- Most probably the transfer attorney will have a case to be made for their transfer fees on R2 millions as well.- BUT, then comes the kicker. SARS will see the difference of R1 999 999 as a donation (a deemed donation) from you to your child.- Donation's Tax is payable at 20% of the donated value, by you, the Donor.Not so simple.Not so cost effective.That is exactly why proper estate planning is so important. Do it early, do it now. It will give you time to get your affairs in order.

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  • Reef Renewal Curacao


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    We would like to share a bit of a status update on the progress we have made at Reef Reef Renewal Curacao. Since we jump-started the program after Covid travel restrictions were lifted in early 2022, we have accomplished the following:-Outplanted 4,000+ staghorn corals and 750+ elkhorn corals.-Established two new coral nursery programs with Goby Divers and Scubacao dive shops.-Maintained 50 coral nursery trees at 5 dive sites housing 2,500 corals.-Constructed 40 new Vertical Rope Nurseries that house 900 corals.-Developed partnerships with CARMABI and SECORE Marine Laboratories to propagate boulder corals.-Certified 150+ divers to be PADI Coral Restoration Curacao Divers.-Managed 8 interns.-Hired a Marine Biologist to be our Coral Restoration Coordinator.-Worked with 30+ volunteers during 100+ volunteer dives.-Conducted 30 nights dives to monitor coral spawning, and documented spawning by dozens of our outplanted coral colonies.-Provided snorkel tours to the coral nurseries to 300+ LionsDive Resort guests.-Monitored two new outplant sites and found 85% live coral tissue on outplant structures.-Awarded grants from seven organizations: PADI Aware Foundation Circle of Dreams Foundation Sea of Change Foundation Coral Restoration Project World Wildlife Fund MCB Bank Kooyman Hardware Store-Received donations more than 200 individual donors.We are proud to have received donations from more than 200 individuals, which indicates wide-spread support for our project. However, with each new year, we must reach out again to ask for another round of donations.Our foundation is growing, and we need continued and consistent funding to expand our work to address Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, which just arrived in Curacao, as well as to address the coral bleaching crisis that is impacting the entire Caribbean.Therefore, it would be fantastic if friends and supporters would consider making a monthly donation. Monthly contributions provide a steady and reliable source of support, reducing the need for frequent fundraising requests in your inbox, and allowing us to plan and allocate resources more effectively.If you support our mission, please consider donating at the following link (make sure to click on the "monthly" donation button):

    Donate - Reef Renewal Curacao


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  • Raymond Breakall

    IT Professional with over 29 years of Experience

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    This is about tradition and spiritual connection. Two things we need more of these days. Thinking of others instead of focusing on yourself so much is one of the most important aspects of life. Take a look at this interesting story and journey.


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  • Kristina "Kiki" Karlsson

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    As I show you these wonderful buildings that are not opened to the public very much or even at all you may wonder why they aren’t open. The reason is quite simple yet complicated. The houses are very old and were never built to be part of a museum for generations to see, hundreds of years later. Just imagine how our own homes would look if we left them for 130 years. Our preservation saviour would be plastic and this was not around when these historic building were built and contents created. This means that they degrade over time. To maintain them costs money and to open them up to visitors (note; an open door lets more than humans in) requires a risk assessment and an assessment if the cost of ware is worth the shortening of its existence. Some things are just not possible to preserve or save either.So, the question is should they all be open to consume today or shall we try to keep them for future generations? This is a genuine question! What do you think?Also, Skansen is funded mostly by ticket sales and donations so please know that when you pay your entrance to Skansen your money goes to a good cause. Believe me, people at Skansen take their place of employment and their missions very seriously. Just like Artur Hazelius did 💜

    • Addy de Jongh on LinkedIn: Doneer aan Steun de PhD van Addy voor bescherming van kust otters!… (29)


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  • Rotary Club of St. Louis


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    Today's Rotary Club of St. Louis Member Spotlight features our President-Elect, James Webster:1). How did you get started in Rotary?From an invitation to play in Rotary’s annual charity golf outing. It was there that I was first introduced to a community of like-minded individuals and I felt an immediate affinity. 2). Why should others join Rotary?Rotary provides an excellent atmosphere of congeniality, of an esprit de corps and an opportunity to give back. 3). Which Rotary club programs or activities do you enjoy the most?From a purely hedonistic point of view I enjoy the Rotary Golf League. More practically, and more fulfilling is the opportunity to participate in fund raising for both local and international projects such as the drive to eradicate polio. 4). How does your Rotary membership benefit your work or career?I enjoyed an engaging career in international business. I encountered many Rotarians overseas and yet never pulled the trigger and joined, an indifference I now regret. However, now in my retirement years with time on my hands for the first time in my life, Rotary gives me new purpose and the ability to pursue worthwhile goals alongside fellow Rotarians. 5). Give an example of something new you’ve learned because of your involvement with Rotary?Our weekly lunch meetings provide a wonderful variety of information on projects in the city, history, insights into our local sports teams, help in the community. I seem to learn something new every week. 6). What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing what you do now?In my youth I dreamed of playing for West Bromwich Albion (Premier League Soccer). After a famously successful career I would then have lent my talents to play by play and detailed analysis on T.V. Regrettably a lack of footballing ability meant I fell at the first step! 7). Have you ever participated in an international Rotary project?Only in the sense of charitable giving to a water project in The Philippines 8). Name something you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet?I would like to put a small rock band together and sing “Wild Thing” at full volume with amps turned up to eleven. Know a fellow Club member with an interesting back story? Email your Member Spotlight nominations to

    • Addy de Jongh on LinkedIn: Doneer aan Steun de PhD van Addy voor bescherming van kust otters!… (33)


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  • Raluca Primaru

    Scrum Master | Psychotherapist | Coach

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    It's time to take action against Multiple Sclerosis!This year, I am committing to walking at least 100km as part of #TheMay50K to raise funds for @MS Research. Together, we can put an end to this horrible illness. If you'd like to support me in this important cause, please consider donating or sharing my page: Let's make a difference! #msresearch #levenzonderMS #MSawareness

    Steun mijn 100km uitdaging voor een wereld zonder MS!



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Addy de Jongh on LinkedIn: Doneer aan Steun de PhD van Addy voor bescherming van kust otters!… (40)

Addy de Jongh on LinkedIn: Doneer aan Steun de PhD van Addy voor bescherming van kust otters!… (41)


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Addy de Jongh on LinkedIn: Doneer aan Steun de PhD van Addy voor bescherming van kust otters!… (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.